Have you ever wondered if there's more to life and if YOU can have more out of life, more of your dreams?

I had a pretty regular life – Engineering degree, MBA and job!

Life was “ok” – nothing spectacular. With ups and downs like everyone around me, I just was coasting along.

Then, around 1998, I attended a Silva Mind Method seminar in Sacramento, CA. I experienced the most miraculous experiences during those three days.

Something changed in my head.

My beliefs about my life, it’s struggles and rewards, science as I knew it, reality as I knew it, my existence as I knew it – I started questioning everything.

In the next several years, I consumed every content I could find on life, existence, the universe, and the idea of creating a life that I desired, instead of life tossing me around.

In the almost 25 years since then, I have created numerous magical manifestations in my life and have added several tools, based on my own life experiences, to create what I call a blueprint for Mindful Life Design – a blueprint to consciously design your life and then manifest that life from the depth of your subconscious.

I know, this has nothing to do with science as we know it today. But really, you can have it all – Abundance, Success, Joy and Fulfilment, without waiting all your life for “some day”. And yes, if you so want, you can have a career in science and be as successful as you want in that field. 

You don’t have to be yogi or meditate all day. You don’t have to isolate yourself from your regular life. You can pursue your passions. I am multi-passionate. I'm an entrepreneur with interest in several areas. But this has changed my life.

In life and business, you can live your life from within, constantly manifesting the outcomes you desire.

Manifestation doesn't mean that you disengage from regular life. It's quite the opposite. It's about living your life to the fullest.

You will still have problems in life. You will still have to do work to build wealth. You will still have to work on your relationships. You still have to do whatever it takes to pursue all your passions.


But you will have a blueprint for your life and a magical tool in the form of conscious manifestation to effect the outcomes that you experience.

Do you think this works? Maybe not.

But what if does actually work?

My mission is to change the lives of 1 million people, during the rest of my life, helping them live a designed life – a life of abundance, joy, and bliss, by using the hidden potential of their mind.

The Dreams

When are they going to come true?

When are they going to manifest?

You might have heard about manifestation the Law of Attraction popularized by the movie "The Secret" that came out around 2006. Over the years, many coaches have evolved in this space and a zillion books have been written on this subject. 

However, most people can't seem to manifest anything more than blue feathers, dimes on the side-walk or Elvis sightings! 

All the mediations, chants, crystals and vision boards don't lead them to much of conscious manifestation.

I was there too and it bothered me a lot and led me to experiment and figure out what was amiss.

I was introduced to the magical powers of the mind in the 90s (more about me here). 

From then on, over the last 25 years, I have developed the concept to a multi-modality Conscious Manifestation System that I call Active Manifestation.

Active Manifestation is not about rituals, chanting mantras, falling asleep while meditating or creating emotionless vision boards.

It's about remaining fully engaged with life as we know and still tweak reality to morph into what we desire to experience. Be it business success, promotion at work, attracting wealth, finding the love of your life or anything else - you can have it.

While Active Manifestation is simple, it's not easy - it will need work - work on your mind to unlearn your perception of reality and install a new one that creates reality on demand.

If you have an open mind and willing to try something that, at times, might feel like a lot of woo-woo, you can master it and proceed to have it all!

Listen, I have a science background, with a degree in Engineering. I have spent three decades developing software. There's nothing woo-woo about the work I have done and still do. In my work life, things need to be logical, else it just doesn't work. That didn't mean I couldn't adapt a different perspective of reality and create experiences for myself. I still enjoy doing what I do - so I never had a reason to alter that part of my life experience.

You don't need to be a monk and you don't have to meditate 16 hours a day. That has its place but I don't want to go there. I want to live, experience and enjoy large parts of the world I live in - just tweak certain things to enhance my life experiences.

Mastering Active Manifestation doesn't mean that you don't need to do anything in life - that you will watch Netflix all day and somehow a million bucks will be dumped at your doorstep - you will continue to eliminate procrastination and develop your focus, discipline, productivity and other faculties that will help you live life to its fullest. You will need to do your part - remain fully engaged with life. The only difference will be that it will all feel extremely jouful while you savor every day of your life.

I will be explaining and activating the entire Active Manifestation System in my upcoming weekend workshop. That will give you all the tools you need to start on an extraordinary journey!

Here's to your Magical Life!!!
